Monday, 31 March 2014

Heart Warriors

It is with a very sad heart that I write this post.
As I write this I am not sure of the outcome, but I am hoping it isn't the worst. As many times we have done before, I am praying for a miracle.
Throughout the journey of a heart transplant for a child, you form friendships, a support circle, and bonds with others on the same journey as yourself. This not only helps you, but helps everyone around you.
The tail end of this support, newly formed friendships and bonds is that you ride your own roller coaster, but you also board theirs. You ride the waves of relief and good news, but you also battle the undercurrents of bad news, long recoveries and sometimes death.
There is just one thing on my mind when it comes to this. WHY?
Why? is the Transplant list so long?
WHY? have the government not changed the infant rules BEFORE?
Why? does this have to happen to the ones you love?
and most importantly WHY is everyone not on the list?
So with the questions unanswered we will have to answer them ourselves?
An Army of Heart Mums, Dads, Sisters and Brothers, Aunties and Uncles.
An Army of Doctors, Nurses, Play specialists.
An Army fighting for one thing. One Outcome. One life does not have to end for nothing when it can start 7 more.

Please, if you read this, and have not already signed your organ donation register, wherever you are in the world. Become a hero today and sign it.
And if you have Facebook, or twitter, share this blog, and you might convince one person to sign the register but you will have saved another 7 lives too :)
Charleigh Jayne's Berlin Heart Fund

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